In the next few weeks, each member of the parish will receive a Pledge Card for 2025 Budget Year. Please begin to consider not only what you can give to support the work of the Parish Church, but also what ministries and formation opportunities hear mean to you.
Our Food Pantry is continuing to open twice each month. If you would like to help our pantry out, either by volunteering, donating canned goods, or by making a monetary contribution, please see Marcia Schultz, who will be able to assist you. Epiphanytide is the traditional season for House Blessings. Many of us we will remember the wonderful time we had last year at the home of Rachel and David Scales. If you would like for Father Blackburn to come and bless your home, please visit with him so it can be placed on the Calendar. Not only is this a wonderful to pray for those who live under the roof of the house, but this is also a opportunity to invite friends and neighbors into an intimate and lively evening. As this year’s parish theme is Being the Family of God, this would be a splendid way to act that out at your home this Epiphanytide.
Join us for Christian Formation as we are continuing our study of The Apocalypse. We have finished the Seven Letters, which opens the Book, and are now in the midst into the Vision associated with the book of Revelation. This would be a perfect time to jump onboard if you want to join us for the study of The Revelation of Saint John.
The Wednesday Night Forum will resume on January 8 as we being our new book on The Rule of Saint Benedict. If you are interested in joining us, we will order you a book and you can begin with us.
We are pleased to share that the St. Christopher’s Podcast has a reached a new milestone of 9,917 listens! This is an amazing achievement, especially for a small parish. Would you help us increase our reach even more by listening to our podcast and leave a positive rating? We would love to hit 10,000 listens in the coming weeks! You can find our podcast on Spotify and Apple Podcasts (click the links to find the show). Thank you as always for your faithful support of our parish spreading the good news and love of Christ to our community and beyond.
January Celebrations
Nancy Wesson Dodd - January 8th
Zoe Aguilar - January 14th
Jorge Flores - January 18th
Chris Valdez - January 23rd
Jason Rubrecht - January 25th
Bibi & Kevin Robertson - January 13th
Intercessions and Thanksgivings
Reuben, Kerri, Andy, Tim+, Joan, Shannon, Beth, Kent, Bob, April, Kirk, David, Mike+, Liz, Karen, Tiffany, Larry, Stephen, Earlene, Nancy, Michelle, Julie, Jodi, Linda W., Susan, Linda B., Amy, Fran, Magen and Mannie, Nancy+, David+, Rachel, Stephanie, Christopher, R. G., Rene, Anissa, Justin+, Gerald+, Tommy, Dexter+, Tom, “Big” Mike, and Braxton
We remember all those effected by the fires near Los Angeles, especially those whom have lost the homes and businesses.
We give thanks for the Anniversary of the Baptism of Nancy Wesson Dodd, which is this Friday, January 24th
We remember in our prayers the Parishes and Missions of our Diocese, especially for Saint Peter’s Church, Rockport and Saint Margaret’s, San Antonio.
In the Anglican Cycle of Prayer, we pray for The Church in the Province of the West Indies
We remember the Parishes and Churches of Portland, especially First Baptist Church of Portland.
We remember those from our Parish who have entered into eternal rest, especially Bernice Mott, Elmer Leland DuBose, Richard Fiedler, Claude Merrill, and Lydia Whitney